Brazilian aerospace company Embraer announced its Social Tech Careers programme, in partnership with Gama Academy, which will be exclusively dedicated to women.

Students taking the course will work with data analysis and the Python programming language, which is set to advance skills in data science, artificial intelligence and automation.

As previously reported by Airport Technology gender inequality across the aviation sector remains prevalent, with reports finding that 30% of female aviation professionals feel discriminated against due to their gender.

Embraer has set a corporate aim of 20% of women in senior leadership roles by 2025, as explained in its 2022 sustainability report.

Embraer’s VP of People, ESG and Corporate Communications Andreza Alberto highlights how the programme is set to lead to a more open culture which aligns with company values: “Embraer Social Tech combines education and innovation to contribute to the development of a more inclusive society.

“We are very proud of this affirmative action focused on quality education for women who want to enter the technology market.”

Embraer’s participation in events such as the 33rd Annual Conference of Women in Aviation and the 34th Conference of the International Association of Women in Aviation demonstrates its commitment to increasing the presence of women and their careers in this predominantly male industry.

Participants who finish the four-month course will be included in Embraer and partner companies’ talent databases in future recruitment.

To improve skills and capabilities with technology, the course will employ a ‘boot camp’ model that involves remote immersion training.

The education partner for the class is Gama Academy, a school that trains professionals for the digital market in technology areas, which boasts a graduate employment rate of 90%.