Each week, Airport Technology’s journalists explore movements in job postings that shed light on hiring trends in our sector. These job signals provide insights into where the leading companies are focusing their recruitment efforts and why. We reveal the skills that are in high demand in the sector and the themes driving current hiring patterns.  

This new, thematic jobs coverage is powered by our underlying Disruptor data, which tracks all major deals, patents, company filings, hiring patterns and social media buzz across our sectors.  

Despite a rise in airline passenger numbers and strong quarterly results, the number of open job opportunities in the sector is at its lowest since November. The latest Disruptor data showed 11,397 jobs currently recruiting. 

That’s down from 13,843 in June and is the lowest figure since November 2022 when 11,306 roles were actively recruiting. 

Hiring managers across the global airline industry have been busy – and successful – with job closings remaining stable. The drop in active jobs appears to come from a fallow period of job postings. 

Although a similar trend can be seen over Summer 2022, there are fewer jobs being advertised at global airlines compared to last year. 

The active job number in July 2022 was 12,504 – more than a thousand higher than in 2023. 

This slow start to July should not be overly worrying for the sector however, as previous years’ data shows an uptick in job postings in August.